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working on our own

getting in first

We look carefully at all planning applications to check that places the public will go to meet good practice as well as being legally DDA-compliant. We glance in less detail at other plans which are less likely to affect the general public. If things are right at this stage it can save a lot of expensive retro-fitting.

putting things right

Where there are problems, we will work out what should be done and try to persuade the owner to make modifications.

giving advice

Sometimes people are prepared to take up matters themselves, but want guidance and support. We try to provide this.

assessing the situation

See the page on surveys. We are looking at

  • public buildings — community centres, swimming pools, libraries, council buildings, surgeries (medical, dental) ; then
  • banks, shops etc. where people have more choice where they go
  • car parking — facilities for disabled drivers also indiscriminate, illegal or inconsiderate parking
  • streets — uneven pavements, no dropped kerbs, clutter which is a hazard to the visually-impaired
  • bus stops — kerb height, access to kerb for bus, shelters

There's a lot to do. So far we are about half way through the items on line one!

working with others

JPDPG (Joint Physical Disability Action Group)

A mouthful, but this is a Council-based group which has a 3-year plan for developing and co-ordinating all aspects of services for people with disabilities. The Panel is pleased to be a part of this group where we can share our expertise and experience. Physical access and transport are important parts of the plan.


We also contribute to this, which deals with all transport issues in south-east Scotland.

Forward Mid

is a dynamic body pursuing the independent living agenda. Mobility and transport are essential parts.

DES (Disability Equality Scotland)

is the umbrella body for all the Scottish Access Panels — most council areas have one, some with a large dispersed population have more than one. Meeting together enables us to learn from each other and adapt good ideas for our own situation.